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You Make It Nice and Easy

Making something difficult look easy is a skill. It's great to see someone doing things in such a way that makes them seem easier than they actually are. This article will explore some great options to use in place of "make it look easy" as a phrase.

Best Words To Use Instead Of

The preferred words are "effortless," "cakewalk," and "painless." All of these one-word options work well to show that someone is performing something in a way that makes it look easy. Even if the task is hard, these words are great to show that a talented person has no trouble.


"Effortless" is a simple way to show that something was made to look easy. We can use it to show that there was no "effort" required on someone's part to get the success out of something.

Using the "-less" suffix in this way is a great way to show that something comes without the root word. In this case, we're showing that no effort was required to help someone achieve a victory.

The definition of "effortless," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "seeming not to need any effort."

  • Wow! That was so effortless for you! I wish you'd be able to help me get to that stage. It seems too basic!
  • I want it to feel as effortless as he makes it seem! I wish I had all the talent that he possessed right now.
  • You made it look effortless. How did you manage to do that? Was it just down to years of hard work and perseverance?


"Cakewalk" is an idiomatic word that relates to something being "a piece of cake." It refers to someone having an easy time with something because of all the hard work they've put into getting it right.

The definition of "cakewalk," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "something that is very easy to achieve."

  • This is going to be a cakewalk for him. I don't think I've ever seen somebody look as confident as that.
  • It's clearly a cakewalk for you against me, but could you at least pretend like I'm giving you a hard time?
  • I want this to be a cakewalk. That's why I've put all the time and energy into honing my skills.


"Painless" is another good example of the "-less" suffix. This time, we're removing "pain" from the equation, showing that someone has little to no problems achieving success and making it look easy.

In this context, "pain" doesn't have to refer to physical pain. It can also refer to mental or physical efforts of some kind, which is why it's a good way to show that someone is able to "make something look easy."

The definition of "painless," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "causing no problems."

  • It's totally painless for him to beat his opponent. I don't think there's a single person around here that can challenge him for the title.
  • I want it to be painless, which is why I'm putting in so much work right now. I know it'll be worth it in the future.
  • Can it get more painless for him, do you reckon? I hope he's able to keep dominating the competition for years to come.


"Undemanding" is a great way to use the opposite of "demanding." It shows that something does not put a serious strain or demand on a person. This works best when they don't have to try very hard to perform well in most situations.

The definition of "undemanding," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "not needing a lot of time, energy, or attention."

  • It's so undemanding for you. I wish I had your attitude toward these things because I'd love to take on the challenge.
  • I want it to be as undemanding as you find it. I think I'll have a much better time then, but I need to get there first.
  • Is this really as undemanding as you make it look? You always seem to be in complete control of these situations.


"Unchallenging" is another great example featuring the "un-" prefix. This time, we take the opposite of "challenging" to show that someone is not challenged by something.

The definition of "unchallenging," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "not difficult; that does not test your ability or determination."

  • It's been quite unchallenging so far. I'm not knocking the opponents, but nobody has given me a run for my money.
  • I want this to be as unchallenging as possible. That's why I've put in so much work to get myself into the position I am in today.
  • It's very unchallenging for him. Can you not tell how composed he is at all times? It's like he knows exactly what to do.


"Aplomb" is a word that relates more to someone's style or confidence rather than their skill set. However, the two things still go hand in hand, which is why we think it's worth mentioning.

"Aplomb" means that someone has a lot of confidence in the things they do. They only get this confidence because they have put a lot of time into getting their skills to the point they are.

Therefore, they are able to look confident while also making something look easy because of all the time and dedication they've put into getting something right.

The definition of "aplomb," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "confidence and style."

  • You do everything with aplomb. I wish I had that same confidence in my ability. Clearly, I'll never amount to the same things you can do.
  • You have too much aplomb for your own good, I swear! I wish I could do whatever you can, but I simply can't.
  • There's a lot of aplomb in his performance. I think that's part of the reason he's as talented as he is.


"Composure" or "composed" is a great way to show that someone is always able to stay calm and confident in pressured situations.

A good example of this would be a sports person that knows they are in a comfortable position to beat an opponent without much trouble.

The definition of "composure," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "the feeling of being calm, confident, and in control."

  • He plays the game with so much composure. I think he's got the gift for it because he doesn't even work that had.
  • You're always so composed. You put in so much work, and it clearly pays off! Well done for getting to where you are today.
  • I wish I could be as composed as you are in these situations. You always look like you know what to do next.


"Adroit" is a great word for many cases. It refers to somebody moving or thinking in a very skillful way. This usually comes from a great deal of practice, which has helped them to refine their skills to the point where it seems too easy for them.

To most people, making quick moves and snappy decisions is almost too much to handle. It can be very overwhelming without a lot of practice, which shows that it's reserved for only the best of the best.

The definition of "adroit," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "very skillful and quick in the way you think or move."

  • You're always so adroit in the game. It's like you've mastered the opponent's every move before even playing them.
  • I wish I could have an adroit game like him. He's my idol, and I'd love just one chance to play like him.
  • I want to be as adroit as possible. That's the reason I spend so much more time on the training grounds than on the pitch.


"Facile" is a great way of showing that someone finds something really easy. It can be used in many cases to show that something is "too easy," which might be a little insulting to some people if they have to try really hard to beat you.

The definition of "facile," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "easy or too easy; not needing effort."

  • He always has this facile approach to his game plan. It's like he's bored of it already because he knows nobody can compete.
  • Do you have to have such a facile style of play? At least make it look like I'm challenging you a little bit.
  • This is facile, truly. I wish it was harder for me because I'm so bored by not being tested.


"Elementary" returns to school. We use it to show that something is basic. It's set up to be the simplest task possible, but we've only managed to get this to be the case after years of practice and hard work.

The definition of "elementary," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "simple or easy; basic."

  • It's quite elementary when you think about it. I've always put in the work to get to where I am.
  • His game is elementary compared to what other people have to put into it. It's always impressive to see him move that way.
  • I want to make it look like I'm working at an elementary level compared to most. I want everything to seem so easy for me!

What Does "Make It Look Easy" Mean?

"Make it look easy" means that someone has practiced something so much that they don't have any problems with it. It allows them to make something seem easy that will be quite difficult for the general population.

A great example of this would be a world-class sportsperson. They would have practiced for years to get to the point they currently are at. With all this practice, they were able to develop a way to compete in their sport that makes it look effortless.

If you were to jump into the same sport with no experience, you'd certainly find all the things the sportsperson does difficult. You might never be able to recreate even half of their potential. That's how it works when someone "makes it look easy."

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